Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sandakan Jan-29, 2011

Sandakan is in a tough weather, rain unceasingly for more than 2 days. I got the chance to bring Amy for reputable egg tart and "UFO" in Sandakan.
Egg Tart

"UFO - 牛屎塔"
Amy - my lovely wife

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nikon D7000 AF Fine Tuning

The last post ( I have tested my D7000's sharpness by tuning the sharpness parameter from SPC.

This time, I'm gonna figure out my kit lense back focus issue by turn on the AF fine tuning and dial in the value from 0 to -20 and the 0 to +20. If your lense having back focus, you probably need to dial in - ; while dial + for front focus.

Since the effect of each increment of 1 is not great. I only post each image with increment of +2/-2.

Looks like my lense is having a back-focus problem which can be solved by dialing between -8 to -14.

Original Image
Focus Point
AF Fine Tune +2

AF Fine Tune +4

AF Fine Tune +6

AF Fine Tune +8

AF Fine Tune +10

AF Fine Tune +12

AF Fine Tune +14

AF Fine Tune +16

AF Fine Tune +18

AF Fine Tune +20

AF Fine Tune -2

AF Fine Tune -4

AF Fine Tune -6

AF Fine Tune -8

AF Fine Tune -10

AF Fine Tune -12

AF Fine Tune -14

AF Fine Tune -16

AF Fine Tune -18

AF Fine Tune -20

Nikon D7000 Sharpness Adjustment

Have been read through lots of forum, discussion and comment regarding D7000 does not showing sharp image.

I got my D7000 two months ago and today I put this newbie for simple test on the Set Picture Control Sharpness adjustment.

I love my easy-carry bible and decided to use it as my subject because of its tiny little wordings.

I set the ISO to 100, which produces lowest possible noise and with highest JPEG quality (L & Fine). Every image is about 4MB. Setting the aperture to f8 to create possibly the sharpest image for the kit-lense (18-105). With AF set to A-S-1 point and I locked the focus point. Portion around the focus point is cropped.

Nine images are captured by timer mode to avoid any camera shake. Ya, ya, i used tripod.

By selecting Set Picture Control to Standard. Sharpness is tune from 1-9.

Below is the original image, focus point and 9 images I snapped by increasing the sharpness by +1 follow.

Original Image

Focus Point
Sharpness - 1
Sharpness - 2
Sharpness - 3
Sharpness - 4
Sharpness - 5
Sharpness - 6
Sharpness - 7
Sharpness - 8
Sharpness - 9
From the images I took, Nikon D7000 provides reasonably yet amazing sharpn image! I just need to dial or fine tune the sharpness in the SPC to get the level of sharpness I want!

Yet, this is not finished yet. The kit lense has back-focus issue. Check out my next post for AF fine tuning adjustment to get the focus right to the point! Cheers :)